Show your professionalism
As a European Ventilation Hygiene Association member, you’ll have exposure to a vibrant network along with a wealth of knowledge and experience you can’t find anywhere else. Learn from your fellow duct cleaners in a co-operative, friendly environment
The key benefits of membership include:
- Networking
- Up-to-date resources for the industry/development
- Sharing of technical, marketing and business knowledge
- Updates on professional advancement in techniques and equipment
- Comparison with other European states’ laws and regulation
- Influencing European, national and local government, and stakeholders such as insurers and employers
- Demonstration to customers of professional commitment
- Evaluation and training
- Being part of a unique community on the EVHA Discord server where you can share your opinions, ask questions, seek professional guidance, and contribute to building EVHA’s reputation across Europe
But most of all: enjoy meeting and learning from fellow specialists from across Europe!
Any organisation involved in the ventilation hygiene industry is welcomed into membership. The member must agree to abide by the Code of Ethics and must show that they are are a professionally qualified organisation. They must show that they are properly trained and run a responsible business. Regular members must show that they have relevant training and qualifications
EVHA regular members receive initial certification as members after evaluation of their professional
and business status, including any training record, insurance and trading history.
They must then commit to demonstrating suitable training and qualification within 12 months of coming into membership.
Interested in becoming a member or simply have questions about European Ventilation Hygiene Association?
We’d love to hear from you, so don’t hesitate to contact us today.